this is sth that im jealous of. wee johnny collins is sunbathing in australia now... with kangaroos :) photo of kangaroos tired of johnnys constant babbling that a lot of people had a great deal of pleasure to experience :))) xxx 4 u johnny from me and iga
poniedziałek, 18 grudnia 2006
and now something completely different... with x 4 johnny
this is sth that im jealous of. wee johnny collins is sunbathing in australia now... with kangaroos :) photo of kangaroos tired of johnnys constant babbling that a lot of people had a great deal of pleasure to experience :))) xxx 4 u johnny from me and iga
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2 komentarze:
i'm jealous too.. ;) but soon or later i'll be in india:D
ty sie igulcu jako anonimusa mi nie wpisuj tylko prosze sie ladnie mejczce podpisac na blogusiu :))
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