for 2 days now i didnt have any cigarette. cant say im proud of myself, its still a beginning and soooo difficult. actually started on simons bday so, dear simon, u might consider it as a present for you. im not gonna sit next to you in a pub ever again and make you inhale the smoke. or maybe i will.. we'll see.
dont know if i mentioned it b4 - quitting is sooo difficult. i have cravings every 10 mins and its annoying. and of course cant miss the fact that i can eat a horse... and its family. on 25th parents wont recognize me as i will b size 20!! life is suka!
2 komentarze:
Trzym sie Borkoska i ja trzymam kciuki za Ciebie!! Nikt nie mówił że bedzie łatwo.. W chwilach największej słabości pomyśl, że Mękal umrze szybciej niż Ty...
ja po prostu nie wierze jak wszyscy mozecie byc tacy podli.chyba bym sie poplakala jakby tomeczek umarl przede mna!
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